Saturday, August 30, 2008

Guests for the weekend

It's been a nice peaceful week, full of play, naps and good meals.

Besides Boomer, there's another cat living here with us. Her name is Lucy. She's an Abyssinian. She and Boomer are much older than us.

The word on the street is that strangers are coming to ruin our routine!

There's even talk of one of them being a DOG!!

We're NOT pleased.....


They even say he jumps in the WATER!!

His name is Max and he spent a lot of the weekend jumping in and out of the water!

Well they just left, now we're back to the old routine. He left us his bowl of food, but we think we'll pass on it.


Adrianne said...

Glad Max survived the pool. And that Oliver and Sophia survived Max!!! Not surprised they passed on the dog food. You have them very spoiled (we're glad)... but Oliver really was not that picky when he was small. Should write when he was a baby, rather than small. Because he was NEVER small, as you know since you met him when he was only seven days old.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos of beautiful cats!
They exhibit many of the same qualities and behaviors as ours. Especially the one with the legs sticking out of a blanket. That is one of Shombay's favorite ways to sleep. And when playing with Aja, he thinks no one can see him.
Thanks for the chuckle,